javascript – react material ui pupulate table using API

I am trying to populate the StickyTable template in react. I am not seeing anyhting in my console log but an empty array.

Is there anything obvious that I am missing in my code? I cannot seem to figure out where I am going wrong with this and perhaps a second pair of eyes could help me.

I know my backend is working properly but there is something going wrong on this frontend code

export default function StickyHeadTable() { 
    const rows = useState( [
      createData(1, "fruit ID", 'fruitId'),
      createData(2, "fruit Name", 'fruitName'),
      createData(3, "Fruit Price", 'fruitPrice'),


    const [dataRows] = useState([]);
    const [data, setData] = useState("");
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
    fetch(SERVER_URL + "fruits/")
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then(rowData => {
      // fruits: responseData
      const data= => {
        const dataRows = [];
        this.state.rows.forEach((a, i) => {
          dataRows.push(createData(a.FruitId, a.fruitType, a.fruitPrice));
      console.log("rows", dataRows);


  return (
    <Paper sx={{ width: "100%", overflow: "hidden" }}>
      <TableContainer sx={{ maxHeight: 440 }}>
        <Table stickyHeader aria-label="sticky table">
              { => (
                  style={{ minWidth: column.minWidth }}
            { => {
              return (
                  { => {
                    const value = row[];
                    return (
                      <TableCell key={} align={column.align}>
                        {column.format && typeof value === "number"
                          ? column.format(value)
                          : value}