Validate all input fields on the page on click with jquery

I’m totally new to jquery, but trying my best.

I have an mvc project with page full of x-editable inputs.
I made this simple button

<input type="button" class="btn btn-info" id="validate" value="Validate document" />

What I want to achieve is after inputs has been filled by the user, I want him/her to push the button and check if all fields has been filled.
I made this jquery:

 $('.editable').ready(function () {
        $('.editable').editable('option', 'validate', function (v) {
            if (!v) return 'Field required!';

When I push enter on an empty field it triggers validation.
enter image description here

What I need is to highlight all empty x-editable fields on the page when the #validate is clicked and show “Field required!” message.

Any help would be appreciated