I’m stuck on my color guessing game, I can’t seem to return a response when inputting an answer

I am just looking into the javascript portion of this code and it will run when you click the button but I don’t get a return value. I’ve been attempting to fix this for hours now. The purpose of the code is to generate a random color from the list provided but when I type in any of the colors I get no return value. I tried to debug my cold and it doesn’t give me any errors that I could fix. Is there anything that you see wrong with my code?

<h1>Colors Guessing Game</h1>
<button type="button" onclick="runGame()">Start Game</button>
    const COLORS_ARRAY = ['blue', 'cyan', 'gold', 'gray', 'green', 'magenta', 'orange', 'red', 'white', 'yellow'];

    function runGame() {
        let guess = "";
        let correct = false;
        let numTries = 0;

        const targetIndex = [Math.floor(Math.random() * COLORS_ARRAY.length - 1)];
        const target = COLORS_ARRAY[targetIndex];
        do {
            guess = prompt('I am thinking of one of these colors:nn' + COLORS_ARRAY + 'What color am I thinking ofn');
            guess = guess.toLowerCase();
            numTries += 1;
            if (guess == null) {
                alert('Have a great day!');
            return "";
        } while (!correct);
        alert("Congrats! You got it" + target + " nnIt took you" + numTries + "tries to guess correctly");
        document.body.style.background = guess;


    function checkGuess(guessNumber, target) {
        let correct = false;

        if (!(COLORS_ARRAY.indexOf(guess) == -1)) {
            alert('You have not entered a color from the listnnPlease choose a color from the before mentioned list.');
        } else if (guessNumber > target) {
            alert('Your choice is alphabetically higher than the color.');
        } else if (guessNumber < target) {
            alert('Your choice is alphabetically lower than the color.');
        } else {
            correct = true;
        return correct;
