How come onfocusin fires after onfocus, and after the element has received focus, even though it’s supposed to fire before?

The issue

According to the W3C, the focusin event is supposed to fire before the element receives focus, and then the focus event is supposed to fire after. Instead, focusin fires after the element receives focus, and after focus fires.

How things are supposed to be

I have heard from multiple sources including the W3C UI spec (at the bottom of this page) that when an element receives focus, the focusin event fires before it receives focus, and the focus event fires after it receives focus, meaning the order of events when clicking into and then out of an input should look like this:

User clicks input
focusin event fires
input gains focus
focus event fires
User clicks off
focusout event fires
input loses focus
blur event fires

How things are

And yet in practice, it appears that they both fire after the element has received focus, and focus fires before focusin. Here’s some code I used:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<input id="i1" onfocus="f(event)" onfocusin="f(event)" onfocusout="f(event)" onblur="f(event)">
  const i = document.getElementById('i1');
  function f(event) {
    console.log(event.type + (document.hasFocus(i) ? ': focused' : ': NOT focused'));

The log after clicking into and out of the input looks like this:

focus: focused
focusin: focused
blur: focused
focusout: focused

Which tells me that focusin is firing after the input gets focus, and not before, and vice versa for blur (that is, assuming I’m using document.hasFocus() right)
Not to mention that the order of the events is also wrong, since focusin and focusout should be before focus and blur, respectively.
If everything were working right, it should look like this:

focusin: NOT focused
focus: focused
focusout: focused
blur: NOT focused

This appears to work the same on Firefox and Chrome. Is something wrong with my browsers, or did I code something wrong?



The focusin and focusout events fire just before the element gains or loses focus, and they bubble. By contrast, the focus and blur events fire after the focus has shifted, and don’t bubble.

From…/focusin_event and …/focus_event:

The focusin event fires when an element is about to receive focus.
The focus event fires when an element has received focus.


(Regarding focusin) This event type is similar to focus, but is dispatched before focus is shifted
(Regarding focus) This event type is similar to focusin, but is dispatched after focus is shifted