Save a variable and use it in later stage in Ramda compose

I am very new to Ramda and have got stuck in a problem. I need to get response from an api and pass it to next function but that same response needs to be used again at a later stage in the same compose. How can I save its value in that ramda func scope so it can be re-used again?

const getData = (req, ctx) => R.compose
          R.andThen(... do some action using response from callSomeApi_2 and prop2)
        , R.andThen(callSomeApi_2(req, ctx))
        , R.andThen('prop1'))) // response has prop1 and prop2 where prop2 is needed after getting response from callSomeApi_2
        , callSomeApi_1(req, ctx)

How can this be achieved?