Javascript: Switch from importing data from XML file to importing data from a JS object array

I need to edit a script to switch from reading XML data from an xml file to reading data from a JS object array instead.

let’s assume the xml file is x.xml:

     <name>cafe 1</name>
     <address>1 cafe st</address>
     <name>cafe 2</name>
     <address>2 cafe st</address>

The below code populates an array with data from an xml file

               type: "GET",
               url: "x.xml",
               dataType: "xml",
               success: function(xml) {    
   i +=1;
                       var name = $(this).find('name').text();
                       var address = $(this).find('address').text();
                        table[i] = {name:name, address:address};

..can I rewrite that output as

var table = [
                  {"name":"cafe 1", "address":"1 cafe st"},
                  {"name":"cafe 2", "address":"2 cafe st"},

…and call data in the array using

var m; 
for ( m = 1; m < table.length-1; m++) {

                      if (table[m].name == "cafe 1" ....