Is there a way to highlight data points based on input with vega-lite?

I’m creating a scatterplot matrix with vega-lite, I want to add a functionality that allows users to search and select for specific data-points with a text input that uses that same dataset as the scatterplot and when selected highlight those points in the scatterplot. Based on my initial search i’ve yet to find a way to do so. Is this even possible?

Current implementation

Heres the current scatterplot code. implementation

var scatterPlot = {
        "$schema": "",
        "title": "USDA Food Database",
        "data": {
        "url": "data/newData.json"
        "transform": [
            {"filter": "datum.ONIscore > 0 && datum.F6 != '' && datum.Protein != 'NULL' && datum.Fat != 'NULL'&& datum.Carb != 'NULL' && datum.Calorie != 'NULL'"}
        "concat": [
            //ScatterPlot # 1
            "encoding": {
              "color": {
                  "condition": {
                  "param": "brush",
                  "title": "Food Categories",
                  "field": "F6",
                  "type": "nominal",
                  "value": "gray"
              "tooltip": [
                  { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
                  { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
                  { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
                  { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
                  { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
                  { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
              "y": {
                  "field": "Protein",
                  "title": "Protein",
                  "type": "quantitative"
              "x": {
                  "title": "ONIscore",
                  "field": "ONIscore",
                  "type": "quantitative"
              "width": 500,
              "height": 250,
              "mark": "circle",
              "params": [
                      "name": "brush",
                      "select": {
                      "type": "interval",
                      "resolve": "union",
                      "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                      "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                      "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                      "name": "grid",
                      "select": {
                          "type": "interval",
                          "resolve": "global",
                          "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                          "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                      "bind": "scales",
              "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}],
          "encoding": {
          "color": {
              "condition": {
              "param": "brush",
              "title": "Food Categories",
              "field": "F6",
              "type": "nominal",

              "value": "gray"
          "tooltip": [
              { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
          "y": {
              "field": "Fat",
              "title": "Fat",
              "type": "quantitative"
          "x": {
              "title": "ONIscore",
              "field": "ONIscore",
              "type": "quantitative"
          "width": 500,
          "height": 250,
          "mark": "circle",
          "params": [
                  "name": "brush",
                  "select": {
                  "type": "interval",
                  "resolve": "union",
                  "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                  "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                  "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                  "name": "grid",
                  "select": {
                      "type": "interval",
                      "resolve": "global",
                      "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                      "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                  "bind": "scales",
          "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}],

        //Scatterplot #3
        "encoding": {
        "color": {
            "condition": {
            "param": "brush",
            "title": "Food Categories",
            "field": "F6",
            "type": "nominal",

            "value": "gray"
        "tooltip": [
            { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
        "y": {
            "field": "Carb",
            "title": "Carbohydrates",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "x": {
            "title": "ONIscore",
            "field": "ONIscore",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "width": 500,
        "height": 250, 
        "mark": "circle",
        "params": [
                "name": "brush",
                "select": {
                "type": "interval",
                "resolve": "union",
                "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                "name": "grid",
                "select": {
                    "type": "interval",
                    "resolve": "global",
                    "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                    "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                "bind": "scales",
        "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}],

        //Scatterplot #4
          "encoding": {
          "color": {
              "condition": {
              "param": "brush",
              "title": "Food Categories",
              "field": "F6",
              "type": "nominal",
              "value": "gray"
          "tooltip": [
              { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "ONIscore", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "SatietyIndex", "type": "nominal" },
              { "field": "Satiety", "type": "nominal" },
          "y": {
              "field": "Calorie",
              "title": "Calories pr. 100 grams",
              "type": "quantitative"
          "x": {
              "title": "ONIscore",
              "field": "ONIscore",
              "type": "quantitative"
          "width": 500,
          "height": 250, 
          "mark": "circle",
          "params": [
                  "name": "brush",
                  "select": {
                  "type": "interval",
                  "resolve": "union",
                  "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                  "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                  "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                  "name": "grid",
                  "select": {
                      "type": "interval",
                      "resolve": "global",
                      "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                      "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                  "bind": "scales",
          "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}],
        //Scatterplot #5
        "encoding": {
        "color": {
            "condition": {
            "param": "brush",
            "title": "Food Categories",
            "field": "F6",
            "type": "nominal",
            "value": "gray"
        "tooltip": [
            { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
        "y": {
            "field": "Carb",
            "title": "Carb",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "x": {
            "title": "InsulinogenicV2",
            "field": "InsulinogenicV2",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "width": 500,
        "height": 250,
        "mark": "circle",
        "params": [
                "name": "brush",
                "select": {
                "type": "interval",
                "resolve": "union",
                "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                "name": "grid",
                "select": {
                    "type": "interval",
                    "resolve": "global",
                    "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                    "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                "bind": "scales",
        "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}],
        //Scatterplot #6
        "encoding": {
        "color": {
            "condition": {
            "param": "brush",
            "title": "Food Categories",
            "field": "F6",
            "type": "nominal",
            "value": "gray"
        "tooltip": [
            { "field": "foodName", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Protein", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Fat", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Carb", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "Calorie", "type": "nominal" },
            { "field": "ND", "type": "nominal" },
        "y": {
            "field": "SatietyIndex",
            "title": "Satiety",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "x": {
            "title": "Satiety",
            "field": "Satiety",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "width": 500,
        "height": 250,
        "mark": "circle",
        "params": [
                "name": "brush",
                "select": {
                "type": "interval",
                "resolve": "union",
                "on": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "translate": "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                "zoom": "wheel![event.shiftKey]"
                "name": "grid",
                "select": {
                    "type": "interval",
                    "resolve": "global",
                    "translate": "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!",
                    "zoom": "wheel![!event.shiftKey]"
                "bind": "scales",
        "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "click"}}]
          //Barchart Begin
          "encoding": {
          "color": {
              "condition": {
              "param": "click",
              "field": "F6",
              "value": "gray"
          "x": {"aggregate": "count", "type": "nominal"},
          "y": {"title": "Food Category", "field": "F6"}
            "width": 500,
            "mark": "bar",
            "params": [{
            "name": "click",
            "select": {"type": "point", "encodings": ["color"]}
            "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "brush"}}]
        "config" : {
          "concat": {
         "spacing" : 0,
         "columns" : 2

await vegaEmbed('#scatterPlot', scatterPlot).then(function(result){
console.log("Sending data to JSON file.");

Search bar code

const autoCompleteJS = new autoComplete({
    placeHolder: "Search for Food...",
    data: {
        src: async() => {
            try {
                // Loading placeholder text
                document.getElementById("autoComplete").setAttribute("placeholder", "Loading...");
                // Fetch External Data Source
                const source = await fetch("./data/data.json");
                const data = await source.json();
                // Post Loading placeholder text
                document.getElementById("autoComplete").setAttribute("placeholder", autoCompleteJS.placeHolder);
                // Returns Fetched data
                return data;
            } catch (error) {
                return error;
        keys: ["foodName"],
        cache: true,
    resultItem: {
        highlight: true
    events: {
        input: {
            selection: (event) => {
                const selection = event.detail.selection.value;
                autoCompleteJS.input.value = selection;