Is there a better way to assign a class to multiple elements?

I’m trying to code a table with infinite horizontal scrolling and I need to assign a certain color pattern the each row, but the start position in such color pattern is not the same for each row.

As you can see in my code, row 0 has as eventListener that toggles its class and applies the color pattern (it’s a 35 cells color pattern).

I need to do it for 5 rows, but I had to attrib colors with 35 nth-child selectors for row 0 alone.

Do I really have to code all those 35 selectors or there’s a better way to do it?

I’m talking about class cRow0 and all those td:nth-child(35n + x).

Rows 1 to 4 have a different approach, and colors are assigned as the cells are created.

The color pattern is defined in:

const mColors = ["red","red","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","red","red","red","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","cyan","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","red","red","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime"];`

As the user scrolls to the left, an eventListener creates 1 cell per row and the color assign follows a correction defined in:

mRow_Correction = [0,1,2,3];

Actually in the final version that correction will be something like

mRow_Correction = [2,0,3,1];

Anyway, in this example I’m assigning colors via

let hCell = document.createElement("td");
iRow_Correction = mRow_Correction[(iRow - 1)];
let sColor = mColors[iRow_Correction];
hCell.setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + sColor + ";");

That seems to work, but the problem is: I don’t want to assign colors as the cells are created. I want to toggle the class, like I do for row 0.

For what I see, I’ll have to code 35 nth-child selectors for each row, but there should be a better way to do it… or there isn’t?…

    var iColumns = 1, iShift = 0;
    const mColors = ["red","red","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","red","red","red","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","cyan","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime","red","red","cyan","cyan","lime","lime","lime","lime","lime"];
    const hRow0 = document.getElementById("idRow0");
    hRow0.addEventListener("click", function() {
    const hDiv_Table = document.querySelector("#idDiv_Table");
    hDiv_Table.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
        if (hDiv_Table.scrollLeft + hDiv_Table.clientWidth >= hDiv_Table.scrollWidth) fCreate_Cell();
    for (let iColumn = 1; iColumn < 11; iColumn++){
    function fCreate_Cell() {
        let iRow_Correction, mRow_Correction = [0,1,2,3];
        let iColumn = iColumns;
        for (let iRow = 0; iRow < 5; iRow++){
            let hRow = document.getElementById("idRow" + iRow);
            let sID = "r" + iRow + "c" + iColumn;
            let hCell = document.createElement("td");
            hCell.setAttribute("id", sID);
            if (iRow == 0) {
                hCell.innerHTML = "col " + iColumns;
            } else {
                iRow_Correction = mRow_Correction[(iRow - 1)];
                ((iRow_Correction + iShift) < 35) ? iRow_Correction += iShift: iRow_Correction = (iRow_Correction + iShift) - 35;
                let sColor = mColors[iRow_Correction];
                hCell.innerHTML = "col " + iColumns + "<br>" + sColor;
                hCell.setAttribute("style", "background-color: " + sColor + ";");
        (iShift < 34) ? iShift++ : iShift = 0;
    html {
        text-align: center;
    .cDiv_Main {
        height: 100%;  
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        margin: 0;
    .cDiv_Title {
        width: 100%;
        height: 15%;
        border: 1px solid black;
        background-color: blue;
        color: white;
        font-weight: bold;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        flex-direction: column;
    .cDiv_Table {
        width: 100%;
        height: 85%;
        overflow: auto;
    .cDiv_Main table {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        border-spacing: 0;
    table tr {
        height: 20%;
    table td {
        min-width: 50px;
        min-height: 20px;
        border: 1px solid black;
    .cColum_Fixed_Row_Odd, .cColum_Fixed_Row_Even {
        position: -webkit-sticky;
        position: sticky;
        left: 0;
        font-weight: bold;
    .cTable_Main tr:nth-child(2n+1) {
        background-color: white;
    .cTable_Main tr:nth-child(2n) {
        background-color: lightgray;
    .cColum_Fixed_Row_Odd {
        background: white;
    .cColum_Fixed_Row_Even {
        background: lightgray;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 2),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 3) {
        background-color: red;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 4),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 5) {
        background-color: cyan;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 6),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 7),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 8),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 9),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 10) {
        background-color: lime;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 11),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 12),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 13) {
        background-color: red;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 14),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 15),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 16),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 17),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 18),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 19) {
        background-color: lime;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 20),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 21),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 22) {
        background-color: cyan;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 23),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 24),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 25),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 26),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 27) {
        background-color: lime;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 28),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 29) {
        background-color: red;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 30),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 31) {
        background-color: cyan;
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 32),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 33),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 34),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 35),
    .cRow0 td:nth-child(35n + 36) {
        background-color: lime;
    <div id="idDiv_Main" class="cDiv_Main">
        <div id="idDiv_Title" class="cDiv_Title">INFINITE HORIZONTAL SCROLLING</div>
        <div id="idDiv_Table" class="cDiv_Table">
            <table id="idTable_Main" class="cTable_Main">
                    <tr id="idRow0">
                        <td class="cColum_Fixed_Row_Odd">ROW 0</td>
                    <tr id="idRow1">
                        <td class="cColum_Fixed_Row_Even">ROW 1</td>
                    <tr id="idRow2">
                        <td class="cColum_Fixed_Row_Odd">ROW 2</td>
                    <tr id="idRow3">
                        <td class="cColum_Fixed_Row_Even">ROW 3</td>
                    <tr id="idRow4">
                        <td class="cColum_Fixed_Row_Odd">ROW 4</td>