How to pass params through a function?

Good Day,

I am not sure how I can pass params in a function, currently I want to store an access token in one function and then pass the params into another function, is there something I am missing or doing wrong?

  var token = zauthorization().access_token;

  var header = 
    "Authorization":"Zoho-oauthtoken " + token

  return header

function module(access_token)

   var options = 
    "headers": header
  var url = ""
  var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options)
  return JSON.parse(res)

So in short I am not sure how I can pass the header into my next function, I need to have it done that way to go onto the next function, I need to create another function after this which will allow me to access data in a specific module so I can have the counted rows returned, I just need to know how to pass parameters in a new function from another function that can be used.