Javascript Object Structure Without Key

I am trying to generate an object structure like so:

{nums: {500: 0, 600: 0}}

I have a function that loops and returns numbers as shown in object: 500 & 600. However,

No matter what I try to create an object structure like the above, it does not work.

This is what I have an array of object as follows :

 const scores = [ {score: 500}, {variant_id: 600} ]

How can I loop through the scores array of object and get a structure like:
Number 0 in this example as a value that will be applicable to all scores.

 {nums: {500: 0, 600: 0}}

What I have done is:

  let filteredScores = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
            const element = scores[i];

However, this does not lead to the desired results.

Any insights or input is much appreciated!