How can i show the items for a specific category

Hi i want to show the items for a specific category only, so when the user is on the html page they can pick a category and then it should show the items for that category only, its the “vareKategori” where you can choose.[See the frontend her][1]
for now i can display all the items but i can’t get products for only one category. It would meen so much if somebody could show me how to do it, thx.

Please help,its for an exam project.

this is my code for now:
// Jeg laver en function som tager userinputtet fra det de skriver. Det gør jeg både for nyt userID og nyt password

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  document.getElementById("form").addEventListener("submit", (event) => {

    const varer = document.getElementById("varer").value;
    const pris = document.getElementById("pris").value;
    const vareKategori = document.getElementById("vareKategori").value;
    const billede = document.getElementById("billede").value

    const opretVare = {
      varer: varer,
      pris: pris,
      vareKategori: vareKategori,
      billede: billede

    fetch("http://localhost:8200/varer/createvarer", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(opretVare),
      //converter det til Json
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((response) => {
        if (response) {
          location.href = "/varer.html";
      .catch(() => {
        window.alert("Der skete en fejl");

async function getGoods() {
  const response = await fetch("http://localhost:8200/varer/getproducts")
  const result = await response.json()
  return result

async function deleteGoods(id) {
  const response = await fetch("http://localhost:8200/varer/getproducts/" + id, { 
    method: 'DELETE'
  const result = await response.json()
  return result

function renderTable(goods) {
    const table = document.getElementById('varerTable');
    let tableHtml = `
      <label Varekategori:</label>
      <select name="kategori" id="kategori">
          <option value="mad">Mad</option>
          <option value="drikkelse">Drikkelse</option>
    for (const row of goods){
      tableHtml += `
          <td><img src="${row.billede}" style="height:100px;width000px;"</td>
          <td><button onclick = "handleDelete(${})"> Delete </button></td>
          <td><button onclick ="toDo"> Edit </button></td>
    table.innerHTML = tableHtml;

async function handleDelete(id) {
  try {
    await deleteGoods(id)
    const goods = await getGoods()
  } catch(err) {

async function handleLoad() {
  try {
    const goods = await getGoods()
  } catch(err) {
document.getElementById("clickMe").addEventListener('click', handleLoad);


router.put("/opdater_products/:varer", (req, res)=>{
  let category = req.params.varer;
    products[category] = req.body.pris;


class Goods {
    constructor(varer, pris, vareKategori, billede) {
      this.varer = varer;
      this.pris = pris;
      this.vareKategori = vareKategori;
      this.billede = billede;
  module.exports = Goods;