I have a foreach that shows a couple of images, I wish for these to be deleted if needed. I fetch the src of the image and path/file name of the image from Firestore to show with the image on my site (they are uploaded to storage and firestore).
how do I identify a single image out of all of them and delete just that one?
Js Code
const i = query(collection(db, "teamImages"));
const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(i, (querySnapshot) => {
const teams = document.querySelector('.teamimages');
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
const docData = doc.data();
const article = teams.appendChild(document.createElement('article'));
article.innerHTML = `
<p class="path"></p>
<img class="team-image">
article.children[0].textContent = docData.path;
article.children[1].src = docData.url;
console.log("Current data: ", docData);
document.getElementById("team-image").addEventListener("click", function deleteImage() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this image')) {
} else {
// Do nothing!
console.log('Image not deleted');
the images are in an articles section (createElement)
Ive had some undefined and null errors when I tried to put in any firebase delete code.
Im just not sure how I can define the image filename to use as the reference to delete the file.