how to display the right movie informations in an overlay?

I’m looking for solutions to display the right movie information in my overlay.
I have a “popup window” that appears when i click on a movie and it is supposed to display movie’s informations in it but when I click on a movie, no matter which one it is, it only displays the last movie informations, what Should I do to fix it ?

const movieIntegration =() => {> {
        movieGallery.innerHTML += `<div class="imgContainer">
                                        <img src="${movie.img}" alt="${}">
                                                <div class="titleContainer">
                                                    <div class="movieTitle"> ${} </div>
                                                    <div class="seemore"> See more </div>

        const seemore = document.querySelectorAll(".seemore")
        seemore.forEach(elm => {
            elm.addEventListener("click",() => {
                pageContainer.innerHTML += `<div class="popupContainer">
                                                <div class="popup">


                                                    <div id="likeButton">
                                                        <img src="img/like.png">

                                                    <div id="editButton">
                                                        <img src="img/edit.png">

                                                    <a href="submit.html">
                                                        <div id="addingButton">
                                                            <img src="img/add.png">
            }, true)