useEffect dependancy array

I’m using customHook to fetch data from an API.

const useFetch = () => {
   const dispatch = useDispatch();
   return async (callback, ...props) => {
      try {
         return await callback(...props);
      } catch (error) {
         const { msg } = error.response?.data || "Something went wrong";
         setTimeout(() => dispatch(hideModal()), 3000);

and using it inside useEffect

const customFetch = useFetch();
useEffect(() => {
      (async () => {
         const data = await customFetch(fetchUsers, token);
         if (data) setUsers(data.user);
   }, [token]);

But eslint is complaining about the missing customFetch dependency. If I add it it will end up in an infinite loop. How can I fix this?