Flatten MongoDB nested object

I have a collection which looks like this:

    productId: "c69b7701-c33f-4801-99f3-080450f2b6c7",
    createdAt: "2021-12-04T17:33:34.221Z",
    history: [{
        value: 304,
        storePrice: 50,
        date: 1638639214000,
        prevSold: {
            price: 303,
            createdAt: "2021-12-04T17:32:50.658Z"
    }, ... 100+ more records]
    _id: "61aba66d9085f0044f96a700"
}, ... 100+ more records]

And I’m just calling it with a basic find ie:

    const slug = req.params.slug

    ProductPrice.find({ productId: slug}).exec((err, data) => {
        if (err){
            return res.status(400).json({
                error: errorHandler(err)

I need to get the prev sold price into the same level as history.value


    productId: "c69b7701-c33f-4801-99f3-080450f2b6c7",
    createdAt: "2021-12-04T17:33:34.221Z",
    history: [{
        value: 304,
        storePrice: 50,
        date: 1638639214000,
        prevSold: 303
    }, ... 100+ more records]
    _id: "61aba66d9085f0044f96a700"
}, ... 100+ more records]

So far I’ve tried the following aggregate call but it’s just returning an empty array. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

        {$match: { productId: slug }},
        {$unwind: "$history.prevSold"},
        {$addFields: {
            "prevSold.value": "$price",
        {$replaceRoot: {
            newRoot: "$prevSold"
