Please help me to solve this question in C# [closed]

TechWorld is a technology training center, providing training to their clients on various technologies.They need to automate the process of allocating instructors for different courses. An instructor is identified by his/her name and may be skilled in multiple technologies. Assume that the skills of an instructor are stored in an array.

Class Diagram:
enter image description here

  • Instructor Class


The methods implementing the below requirements should return True for valid cases and False for invalid cases.

Assume “experience” is a positive integer.

Case sensitive string comparisons should be done wherever required.

  • Parameterized Constructor – Instructor(string, float, int, string[])

It should initialize the member variables ‘instructorName’, ‘avgFeedback’, ‘experience’ and ‘instructorSkill’ with appropriate values.

  • ValidateEligibility() method

The method should check the eligibility criteria as given below:

An instructor with more than 3 years of experience should have an average feedback greater than or equal to 4.5.

An instructor with less than or equal to 3 years of experience should have an average feedback greater than or equal to 4.

  • CheckSkill(string technology) method

This method should accept a technology name as input parameter and check whether the instructor possesses that skill.

For checking validity of instructor call ValidateEligibilty() method