Am I calling this API correctly for HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP)?

I am fairly new to web development and using API’s, and for some reason I keep getting a 401 “Access denied due to missing hibp-api-key.” error when trying to use this one API for the website HaveIBeenPwned. I’m using Postman just to check the API, and here is what I am using: #API Key was redacted at the end, and the email is a test email.

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong, and why it keeps giving me an error? I’ve checked my API key a million times and I just don’t know why this isn’t working! Here is the documentation:
It says:

The API takes a single parameter which is the email address to be
searched for. The email is not case sensitive and will be trimmed of
leading or trailing white spaces. The email should always be URL
encoded. This is an authenticated API and an HIBP API key must be
passed with the request.

hibp-api-key: [your key]