Handling of optional properties of objects to be used as mapped or indexed properties

I am working on a scenario of handling an array type property with indexed access. Tried to encapsulate the problem in simplest form here.

type User = {
    readonly name: string; 
    readonly roles: ReadonlyArray<string>;

const buildActions = <T extends User>(u: T) => {
    // Implementation
    return {login: (role: T['roles'][number]) => {
        console.log(u, role);

const actions = buildActions({name: 'user', roles: ['admin', 'client']} as const);

So above code works fine. But in my scenario the property roles is optional.

type User = {
    readonly name: string; 
    readonly roles?: ReadonlyArray<string>;

In above case we get error

Type ‘number’ cannot be used to index type ‘T[“roles”]’

I tried to use conditional type to handle the scenario but didn’t worked out.

const buildActions = <T extends User>(u: T) => {
    // Implementation
    return {login: (role: T['roles'] extends never ? never : T['roles'][number]) => {
        console.log(u, role);

Definitely it’s not the right way to handle such scenario, but covers the use case very well.

Any idea how to get through this typing scenario?
