how to use the variable in snowfalke procedure

  var step0=`select INGESTION_SUCCESSFUL,ingestion_uuid   from FILE_INGESTION_HISTORY where  ingestion_uuid=(
   select ingestion_uuid from registration where registry_subject_uuid=:1
   qualify row_number() over( order by dnb_latest_received_dt desc)=1)`;
   var statement0=snowflake.createStatement( {sqlText: step0,binds: [PARAM_REG_SUB_UUID]} );
   variable1= statement0.execute();;


when i try to use above ingsuuid in sql where clause it is throwing error

var step1= create or replace temporary table FN_IGSN_REG_LBV1 as select * from registration where ingestion_uuid=**ingsuuid** and (DELETE_INDC=0) qualify row_number() over (partition by REGISTRATION_HASH_KEY order by dnb_latest_received_dt desc, row_created_tmst desc, registration_uuid desc) = 1;

  var statement1=snowflake.createStatement( {sqlText: step1} );