How to i echo $date in the js for every row in the database not just the first one?

I’m trying to display unavaliable dates by disabling them over the admin control panel which creates a table of dates that are non working days. Right now i thought of a way to display /”yyyy-mm-dd”,/ perfectly, tried it in regular php, works, i put it in js, no i get just the first value, the first date in this case 23rd of december (2021-12-23), how do i display every value of the $date. Here’s my code that you might find relevant

                   $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_closed ORDER BY date ASC";
                   $res = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
                       $count = mysqli_num_rows($res); 
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
          var disabledDate = [<?php echo ""$date","; ?>];
            disabledDates: disabledDate
<?php echo ""$date",";?> //tried running this test to see what i get, i get what i want when outside of the js [], "2021-12-23", "2021-12-24", "2021-12-31", "2022-01-01",