How do I handle undefined properties from the html in my Angular application before I receive data from my controller?

When my Angular component HTML renders. I will get lots of errors that look like this

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘someProperty’)

In my HTML page, I have lots of bindings that look like this


In most components I call a service to fetch data from my controller in the ‘ngOnInit()’ and I know that one solution to prevent this error before the data comes back from my controller is to make the property nullable like this


but this doesn’t seem like a practical solution, especially if I have dozens on the page.

What I have tried –

  1. Making them nullable with a ‘?’ but that doesn’t seem correct, especially if I always doing it
  2. Setting the object type being returning from the controller to a ‘any’ (ex. event: any), but in some cases it still shows an error

QUESTION – What’s the best solution to handle this so I don’t keep getting these errors until my page data loads?

Should I have some conditional like *ngIf=”event” and hide the page until the data is received and show some loading indicator while waiting? Or is some way to jsut prevent these error from showing in the console?