How do i synchronize dynamic-body element networked a-frame and a-frame-physics

I am currently creating a online vr world with multiplayer, so i used networked a-frame to create the multiplayer world and i am using aframe-physics-system to create physics. But when i add a synchronized object with dynamic-body this doesnt get synchronized by the server so only the creator of the object can move it around.

    <template id="sphere">
        <a-entity class="sphere">
            <a-sphere color="blue"></a-sphere>

<a-entity dynamic-body position="0 3 -10" id="sphere" Networked="template:#sphere;attachTemplateToLocal:True"></a-entity>

<!--Collide event-->
AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', {
    init: function() {
      this.el.addEventListener('collide', function(e) {
        console.log('Player has collided with ', e.detail.body.el);; // Original entity (playerEl).
        e.detail.body.el; // Other entity, which playerEl touched.; // Stats about the collision (CANNON.ContactEquation).; // Normal (direction) of the collision (CANNON.Vec3).