Why isn’t pushed() array being shown in console? [duplicate]

I am adding a String and an array to an already created array myArray using push(). However, when I print the updated myArray in the console after pushing(), I only see the String added to myArray, not the added array, in myArray‘s content. (The content is seen when I press the little carrot next to the myArray array in the console.) The added array isn’t being taken account in the length of the updated myArray either. Why is this?

Note: The added array isn’t shown to be in the updated myArray, but when I pop() the last element from the updated myArray, the array that was added (the one of interest) is returned. So it seems to be stored in myArray but not technically?? What is going on?

My code:

var myArray = [1, 2, 3];
myArray.push('Jacob', ['Brandy', 2]);

var removedValue = myArray.pop();

Current Output:

Array(5) [ 1, 2, 3, "Jacob", (2) […] ]
    0: 1
    1: 2
    2: 3
    3: "Jacob"
    length: 4
    <prototype>: Array []


Array(5) [ 1, 2, 3, "Jacob", (2) […] ]
    0: 1
    1: 2
    2: 3
    3: "Jacob"
    4: ["Brandy", 2]
    length: 5
    <prototype>: Array []