Accordion in a chrome ext using vanilla JS

I am looking to create a simple accordion within my chrome ext to display data. I am using the following JS tutorial but I seem to be struggling to register a click.

I have returned some data using the following:



 // Looping through object's key value pair to place into divs
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) {
    queryParams += `
      <div class="text-sm my-1">
        <span class="font-bold uppercase mr-1">${key}: </span><span class="font-normal font-mono capitalizev c-word-wrap">${value}</span>

  return (completeData += `
    <div class="element my-3">

      <div class="question flex justify-between pl-6 pr-12 py-4 bg-purple-500">
        <span class="text-base text-white font-bold">${pixelType}</span>
        <button id="btn">
          <i class="fas fa-plus-circle"></i>

      <div class="answer hideText">
        <span id="pixel-url" class="c-word-wrap text-sm font-mono">${pixelUrl}</span>
          <span id="query-params">${queryParams}</span>


I then have my logic in a separate file


const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.element');

elements.forEach((element) => {
  let btn = element.querySelector('.question button');
  let icon = element.querySelector('.question button i');
  var answer = element.lastElementChild;
  var answers = document.querySelectorAll('.element .answer');

  btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    console.log('btn clicked');
    answers.forEach((ans) => {
      let ansIcon = ans.parentElement.querySelector('button i');
      if (answer !== ans) {
        ansIcon.className = 'fas fa-plus-circle';

    icon.className === 'fas fa-plus-circle'
      ? (icon.className = 'fas fa-minus-circle')
      : (icon.className = 'fas fa-plus-circle');

I have also tried to place the same logic in popup.js which didn’t work either. I am loading my scrips in like so…


<!-- Scripts -->
    <script src="popup.js"></script>
    <script src="../background.js"></script>
    <!-- Accordion -->
    <script src="../fa.js"></script>
    <script src="../accordion.js"></script> 

If anyone can guide me in where I am going wrong here that would be great. I have also tried replicating the tutorial outside of a chrome ext and it works perfectly