Prevent tooltip from showing using onTrigger

Situation: I have a div with a Tippy attached to it, and inside the DIV there are highlighted spans with their own tooltips. They all use ‘click’ as triggers.

Ideal behavior: When I click on a highlight, only the highlight Tippy should show.

Current behavior: Both tooltips show at the same time.

I can catch the click with onTrigger, using “”. However, “return false” or “instance.hide()” do not prevent it from showing. Is there a way I can do that with onTrigger?

tippy(divEl, {
content: 'Tooltip!',
   allowHTML: true,
  onTrigger(instance, event) {
    if ( == 'highlight') 

{console.log('It should hide the tooltip!');
return false;
    arrow: true,
    interactive: true,
    trigger: 'click',
    theme: 'light-border',
    zIndex: 9999

I got it working with the following trick, but it wouldn’t work if I had other DIVs inside the main DIV:

tippy(divEl, { ...,

onShow(instance) {
    if (item.lastChild.nodeName == "DIV") {return false}