I had tried to get the link from the text using below code
urlify(description) {
const regex = /(.+)[(.+)]((.+))/;
return description.replace(regex, (match, a, b, c) => {
const text = `${a[0].toUpperCase()}${a.substring(1)}${b}`;
return a+' '+`<a href="${c}" target="_blank">${b}</a>`;
render() {
let description='Hello this is [XYZ](wwww.XYZ.com) and please redirect to [PQR]
return (
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.urlify(description),}}></p>
The output I get here is like
Hello this is [XYZ](wwww.XYZ.com) and please redirect to PQR
Only the last link is getting as required, I am trying something like ‘Hello this is XYZ and please redirect to PQR’ where XYZ and PQR should only act as link.