I’m looking for high level advice for a web project I’m working on.
I’m working with the BscScan API for crypto tokens, and would like to display 10 different wallet balances on one page of my site using this API call – Get Token balance by address
My first thought to displaying these wallet balances on the page was to use a javascript script that runs the 10 separate API calls upon page load. However, according to BscScan Plans, you can only issue so many calls per second/day.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to run a script like this say every minute and store it somewhere backend. Then just use the page load javascript to retrieve this data from wherever I’m storing it. How would I go about something like this? I’m very new to web dev so this may be something simple, I just need help with the high level method of approach I could use and I can run with it from there.