beginner coder with an assignment due soon and I cannot figure out how to incorporate for() loop in my code so that I will have more than one quad shape that can appear using if (mouseIsPressed) conditional. Here is my code:
//stars in the sky
if (mouseIsPressed){
starMorning = color(214,198,214);
starEvening = color(255,255,225);
//star colours transition from background colour to pale yellow
starColours = lerpColor(starMorning,starEvening,mouseX/width);
This will create one quad shape in the left corner of the screen that slowly appears as you press on your left mouse button and move it horizontally across the screen. Now I want, say, 50 of these quad things all over the screen. How do I do that? Do I need to build classes and then use the for() loop? I’ve tried following so many tutorials but I just can’t seem to apply the logic to my code. Help please!!!