I am trying to import a gltf file in vue.js using babylon.js and add 3 dimensional view to the webpage. I can’t figure out how to do that and the documentation online is pretty vague as well. Here’s what I tried:
This is what I put in Hello.vue file
<h1> Hello </h1>
<Box :position="[0, 0, 5]"></Box>
<script src = "./Hello.js">
This is what I put in Hello.js file
import vb from 'vue-babylonjs';
import Hello from './Hello.vue';
new Vue({
components: { Hello },
render: c => c('Hello'),
var delayCreateScene = function () {
// Create a scene.
var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
// Create a default skybox with an environment.
var hdrTexture = BABYLON.CubeTexture.CreateFromPrefilteredData("../assets/magic_book_of_eden/textures/material_0_baseColor.png", scene);
var currentSkybox = scene.createDefaultSkybox(hdrTexture, true);
// Append glTF model to scene.
BABYLON.SceneLoader.Append("../assets/magic_book_of_eden/", "scene.gltf", scene, function (scene) {
// Create a default arc rotate camera and light.
scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(true, true, true);
// The default camera looks at the back of the asset.
// Rotate the camera by 180 degrees to the front of the asset.
scene.activeCamera.alpha += Math.PI;
return scene;
If possible, could someone explain using an example how that could be done? I am getting the gltf model from sketchfab. Thank you!