Devskiller Angular test questions [closed]

Angular Interview Questions from Devskiller?

  1. In Angular 2+, the method bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl marked value as ____
    (a) Low Risk
    (b) trusted
    (c) Compatible
    (d) acceptable
2. Which of the following are proper ways to create an interface/type Point3D which would include all properties of Point and additionally z: number?
(a) type Point3D = Point <{
             z: number
(b) type Point3D = Record<"x" | "y" | "z", number>
(c) type Point3D = Point & {z: number}
(d) interface Point3D extends Point {

3. Which of the following statements are correct about relations between observables and promises?
(a) The promises can return to their pending state, contrary to observables.
(b) Observables can be cancelled, there is no way to cancel promise
(c) A promise can easily be converted to an observable using from pipeable operator
(d) They are the same and such can be used interchangeably
(e) A promise changes state only once, an observable can receive several events