How to select variant class in styled components?

In styled-components we can have contextual styles using component selector patterns. But how do we parents variant to contextual the child component? For example, we have three components here, Child, NoteWrapper, and Note.

const Child = styled.div<{ editing?: boolean }>`
  ${props => props.editing && css`some styles`}

const NoteWrapper = styled.div<{ compact?: boolean }>`
  ${props => props.compact && css`some styles`}

const Note = styled.input`

/* How do I style this when Child is editing and NoteWrapper is compact */


const App = () => {
  return (
   <Child editing>
    <NoteWrapper compact>


With plain CSS we could do something like this

.child.editing .note-wrapper.compact .note {
  /* Contextual styles here */

My question is how do I style Note when Child is editing and NoteWrapper is compact in styled components selector pattern ?