Nodejs error “Callback was already called error.”

For some reason, this part of the code is causing a callback is already called issue, if it does not enter the “if” loop, it returns accurately. Unable to figure out why it partially works.
Why are the return statements acting differently?

   **if (!args.is_table) {
      return cbk(null, {peers: forwards.peers});

Here’s the error:

***if (fn === null) throw new Error("Callback was already called.");
Error: Callback was already called.***

module.exports = (args, cbk) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return asyncAuto({

      // Final forwards table
      allForwards: ['forwards', ({forwards}, cbk) => {
        if (!args.is_table) {
          return cbk(null, {peers: forwards.peers});

        const isWideSize = !size || size.get().width > wideSizeCols;

        return cbk(null, {
          peers: forwards.peers,
          rows: []
              'Earned In',
              'Earned Out',
              !!isWideSize ? 'Public Key' : null,
            ]).map(n => !args.is_monochrome ? bold(n) : n)])
            .concat( => {
              return notNull([
                  alias: peer.alias,
                  icons: peer.icons,
                  is_disconnected: peer.is_disconnected,
                  is_forwarding: peer.is_forwarding,
                  is_inactive: peer.is_inactive,
                  is_pending: peer.is_pending,
                  is_private: peer.is_private,
                  public_key: peer.public_key,
                  is_monochrome: args.is_monochrome,
                  tokens: peer.liquidity_outbound,
                !!isWideSize ? peer.public_key : null,
    returnResult({reject, resolve, of: 'allForwards'}, cbk));