I have multiple errors in my code. When I run the code, it gives an error saying that there is an unexpected identifier. Here is the full error, “SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at /script.js:46:16”. However, when I check through lines 46 through 16, I cant find any unclosed functions or methods. When I comment the if statement on line 46, it just gives an error on the other if statement. can someone help me.
Heres the code
function print(str){
function farhToKelvin(far){
const cel = Math.floor(far / (9/5) - 32)
const kel = cel + 273
return kel
function farhToCelsius(far){
const cel = Math.floor(far / (9/5) - 32)
return cel
function convertToFarh(type, val){
if (type == "kelvin"){
return Math.floor(far / (9/5) - 32 - 273)
else if(type == "celsius"){
return Math.floor(far / (9/5) - 32)
while (farh != "exit"){
var farh = prompt("enter a farhanhite tempature: ")
var type = prompt("convert it to celsius, or kelvin")
if (type == "celsius"){
const c = farhToCelsius(farh)
var val = convertToFarh(c)
if (val > 50 or val == 50){
print("it is cold, you should wear a coat")
if (val > 50 or val == 50){
print("it is hot, you should wear a tank top")
else if(type == "kelvin"){
const k = farhToKelvin(farh)
var val = convertToFarh(k)
if (val > 50 or val == 50){
print("it is cold, you should wear a coat")
if (val > 50 or val == 50){
print("it is hot, you should wear a tank top")