Why is <= returning false not true? [closed]

Hey so i have a little problem, which one is blowing my mind. maybe someone will enlighten me with this, because im done.

Here is code

function cashOut() {
  if (cashAmount.value<=cash && cashAmount.value % 50 === 0) {
        outCash.innerHTML = "Withdraw: " + cashAmount.value + "USD";
        withdrawCash = cashAmount.value;
    } else {outCash.innerHTML = "Failed to withdraw funds, the amount withdrawn must be divisible by 50 and not less than  " + cash;

and problem is that cashAmount.value<=cash returns false not true as it should. Because your cashAmount which is amount of cash you want to withdraw, cant be bigger then your balance. I guess its stupid question but i lost my mind on this.

cash is simple variable, but cashAmount is taking value from input if that matters.