How to save multiple username and password in javascript

First – I know not to keep passwords and logins that way. I am only doing this as a task.

So, i need to save username and password from register form, and next use it in login form.
How i can do this with only html and JS?

Now i have something like that:

let user_name = document.getElementById("username");
let user_paswrd = document.getElementById("password");

let store_data = () => {
  let input_username = localStorage.setItem("username", user_name.value);
  let input_password = localStorage.setItem("password", user_paswrd.value);


it’s saving username and password in localstorage, but I need to save all registered username and password. Then in login menu get it back when login. How can I do it? It is better to do this with localstore or cookie?

this form will only be opened locally. The website will not be on the web.