I have a large Table. I am using Bootstrap and implementing the Accordion structure with “b-accordion”. When I want to update the data in any Row, I am experiencing an incredible loss of performance. I am using Modal to edit rows. (B-MODAL)
My table content is like this. When the row is clicked, the Accordion below opens.
Table Generate Code..
<template v-for="(item, index) in pageArray">
// Table Row
<tr :key="`tableTr-${item.recordNo}`">
<td :id="`accordion-${item.recordNo}-1`" v-b-toggle="`collapse-${item.recordNo}`">
<a class="text-dark">{{ item.recordNo }}</a>
// Likewise the other 13 Columns.
// Accordion Row
<tr :key="`tableSubTr-${item.recordNo}`" class="subtr">
<td colspan="14">
<b-collapse :id="`collapse-${item.recordNo}`">
<div class="container-fluid">
Now let’s get to the real problem. When I start the EDIT process for any Row, Vue Developer Tools draws a performance like the one below. The low performance ones are all because of the Model I opened.
B-MODAL I made as a Component
props: { thisObject: Object }
<b-modal v-model=”isModal” centered hide-footer hide-header size=”xl” @hide=”$emit(‘closeModal’, true)”>