Betheme mobile hamburger menu

so I have a page on my website that use anchor links that can be accessed in menu but on mobile when I click on a category (anchor link) the menu isn’t closing automatically, I need to close manually by pressing on hamburger menu again.
This this is all my code from menu.js:

This doMenu function :

            if( ( window.innerWidth >= options.mobileInit ) || ( ! options.responsive ) ){
                // desktop --------------------------------

                $( '> li, ul:not(.mfn-megamenu) li', menu ).hover(function() {
                    $(this).stop(true,true).addClass( options.hoverClass );
                    $(this).children( 'ul' ).stop(true,true).fadeIn( options.delay );
                }, function(){
                    $(this).stop(true,true).removeClass( options.hoverClass );
                    $(this).children( 'ul' ).stop(true,true).fadeOut( options.delay );  
            } else {

                // mobile ---------------------------------
                $( 'li', menu ).unbind('hover');
                $( 'li > .menu-toggle', menu ).off('click').on('click', function(){
                    var el = $(this).closest('li');
                    if( el.hasClass( options.hoverClass ) ){
                        el.removeClass( options.hoverClass )
                            .children('ul').stop(true,true).fadeOut( options.delay );           
                    } else {
                        el.addClass( options.hoverClass )
                            .children('ul').stop(true,true).fadeIn( options.delay );    