Javascript to capture ONLY Closing of a tab/window of browser

Is there a way in Javascript to check ONLY for user Closing a tab/window of the browser?

window.onbeforeunload is very generic because it ALSO gets triggered when user hits F5 key for refresh, or when user clicks any <a href link or form submit.

Similarly, document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', is also very generic & it too gets triggered for all the above.

Checking for keyCode(116) like following code is specific to checking only when user hits F5 key:

function fkey(e) {

    if (e.keyCode == 116) {

        // do stuff...

I am looking for similar (keyCode or any other alternatives), that can capture ONLY when user Closes a tab/window of the browser, not including other events like Refresh or link clicks.

PS: SO does not seem to have an answer for this. If any exist, let me know through comments & I’ll close this Q.