Pinia loading fails from CDN because devtoolsApi is not defined

When trying to load Pinia via CDN ([email protected]/dist/pinia.iife.js) it fails when it tries to run the loading function, “var Pinia = (function (exports, vue, devtoolsApi) {… })({}, Vue, devtoolsApi);” in Chrome. Chrome devtools throws a “devtoolsApi is not defined” error. And since Pinia is not defined, my Vue code that tries to call “Pinia.createPinia()” fails. This was all working at some point and then all of a sudden it is not.

Gemini says: “Chrome (and other browsers) intentionally do not provide the devtoolsApi to JavaScript functions running within a regular web page. This is a crucial security measure.” which makes me wonder how it ever worked. I don’t really want to go backwards to find out why it was working before if I can just see how to proceed.