Can I use the ‘this’ argument within the typescript function to increment a counter?

Here’s the code I’m trying to get to work:

const playlist = {
  playlist_idea_uri: uri.toString(),
  type: 'master'
const insertedPlaylistIdResponse = await db
  .onConflict((oc) => oc.doNothing())
let songs = => {
  return {
    track_name: song.trackName,
    track_mb_id: song.trackMbId,
    album_artwork_ref: song.albumArtwork?.ref.toString(),
    created_at: song.createdAt
const insertedSongIdsResponse = await db
  .onConflict((oc) => oc.doNothing())
var position = 0
if (insertedPlaylistIdResponse?.id) {
  const playlistItems = => {
    if (this !== undefined) {
      return undefined
    } else {
      const newPosition = this + 1
      return {
        position: newPosition
  }, position)
  await db

So basically I want to insert an object into the playlist table, insert song objects into the song table, take the resulting ids of those inserted songs and the inserted playlist and for each song’s id map to a kind of object that I can then insert into another table called playlist_item, like this:

const playlistItems = => {
  if (this !== undefined) {
    return undefined
  } else {
    const newPosition = this + 1
    return {
      position: newPosition
}, position)

The playlist_item table has this schema:

export interface PlaylistItemTable {
  id: Generated<number>
  playlist_id: number
  song_id: number
  position: number

Basically a PlaylistItem is a song within the playlist, at a certain position (like the first song in the playlist will have position = 1, the next would have position = 2, etc.

The thing to focus on is the position variable, and whether I can use the thisArg parameter of the function as a kind of iterator that each time it maps it will increment, based on the way I’ve used it. Is that possible, or will it not work? Currently I’m getting the error that the variable this could be undefined, but I’m not sure why because I’ve checked for that right before attempting to use it.

Any help is appreciated!