Nashorn: Execute script with anonymous root-level function and subfunctions

I’m attempting to put together a basic test framework for a number of JS scripts that I’ve been provided. These all run on nashorn (JDK 11) without issue in their original habitat. I’m attempting to load and run the scripts myself, and execute tests by comparing input and output.

The issue I’m having is with the format of the scripts. While I know they can be run via Nashorn, I don’t have access to the source code that does it, and I’m having a problem grabbing references to all of the functions/methods I need. The source files follow this pattern:

(function () {
    "use strict";

    print("Canary: Here I am inside the root level function");

    function writeLogEntry(message) {

    return function main(data) {
        print("Canary: Here I am inside main");
        return true;

I do not have the option to change the source files – I have to use them as-is. The issue has been with getting a reference to functions other than main. I was able to get a ref for main in the following way, which required two passes:

String scriptTextRaw = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(location)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
var ee = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("Nashorn");
scriptTextRaw = "var mainfunc = " + scriptTextRaw;
Object mainRef = ee.get("mainfunc");
// Second eval pass
var mainInvocable = (ScriptObjectMirror)ee.get("main");

// Invoke main function
Object mainResult =;

I’m open to better ways to get that main reference. However, the bigger problem is that the anonymous functions encapsulated in the script aren’t accessible. Running the above code, I get:

Exception in thread "main" <eval>:3 ReferenceError: "writeLogEntry" is not defined. 

I’ve tried a few things, e.g.:

Object writeLogEntryRef = (ScriptObjectMirror)ee.get("writeLogEntry"); 

(Both after the first and second eval pass)

But this is unsuccessful. I’ve also paused the program in the debugger after each eval pass to examine the returned object, but I don’t find any references to the other methods.

Can anyone suggest an approach to parsing and running a script formatted like this one? All input is appreciated.