How do you get the datetimeoffset in c# that comes back from sqlserver as dattimeoffset and return this value in javascript date to get local datetime

I have this object:

        public partial class TblThread
            public int Id { get; set; }

            public string? Guid { get; set; }

            public int? FrameworkId { get; set; }

            public string? Title { get; set; }

            public string? Question { get; set; }

            public string? Tags { get; set; }

            public DateTimeOffset? DateCreated { get; set; }

            public int? UserId { get; set; }

            public virtual TblUser? User { get; set; }

The DateCreated field in the database has the datatype as DateTimeOffset(7) and default value is (getutcdate())

But when i do this and look at the value:


this value returns this:

"15/02/2025 07:07:37 +00:00"

But the value in the database is:

2025-02-15 07:07:37.2366667 +00:00

So how do i return the datetimeoffset from c# and get the localtime from the utc timestamp in new Date() in javascript?