StripeJS collectBankAccount currently only accepts the USBankAccount payment method type

I’m trying to use Stripe to collect and save a user’s bank account information to give them a payout at a later date. Even though I’m explicitly only supporting US bank accounts, I keep getting the following error on my frontend:

    "code": "Failed",
    "declineCode": null,
    "localizedMessage": "collectBankAccount currently only accepts the USBankAccount payment method type.",
    "message": "collectBankAccount currently only accepts the USBankAccount payment method type.",
    "stripeErrorCode": null,
    "type": null

Here is a snippet of my frontend React Native JavaScript code:

const { error } = await collectBankAccountForSetup({
    clientSecret: PaymentSetupIntent, // payment setup intent secret from the backend
    params: {
        payment_method_type: 'us_bank_account',
        payment_method_data: {
            billing_details: {
                name: `${profileData.firstName} ${profileData.lastName}`,

Here is a snippet of my backend Express JavaScript code:

// this is the setup intent that gets passed to the frontend
const setupIntent = await stripeClient.setupIntents.create({
    customer: customerID,
    payment_method_types: ['us_bank_account']