Incisor Arc TweenType Not Functioning as Expected

I’m working with the Incisor framework and trying to implement a parabolic trajectory using the Arc TweenType. However, I’m encountering an issue where the white box only moves along the x-axis without following the intended arc.

I have the following code:

this.graphicObject = new GraphicObject( nc.graphicAssets.WhiteBox, nc.mainScene, "WhiteBox" );
let swooper = this.graphicObject.position.swoop.x( 200, 5, nc.tweenTypes.Arc, this, "swoopComplete" );
swooper.controllers.Arc.arcY = 200;
this.swoopComplete = function() {
    console.log("swoop complete");


  • The white box moves straight along the x-axis to position 200, but no arc is applied.
  • No exceptions are thrown.

What I’ve tried:

  • I imported and attempted to configure the Arc TweenType, but it seems like it is being ignored.
  • The white box should follow a parabolic trajectory along the x-axis, but it moves in a straight line instead.

Could anyone help me understand why the Arc TweenType is not being applied properly? Is there a specific configuration or method I’m missing here?