Extension Development: read and write inconsistencies in background.js

class Tab {
    constructor(id, title, url, tabFavicon, lastAccessed) {
        this.id = id;
        this.title = title;
        this.url = url;
        this.tabFavicon = tabFavicon;
        this.lastAccessed = lastAccessed;

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {
    console.log("Extension installed!");

    const storedTabs = [];
    chrome.tabs.query({}, (tabs) => {
        tabs.forEach((tab) => {
            storedTabs.push(new Tab(tab.id, tab.title, tab.url, tab.favIconUrl, tab.lastAccessed));

        chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabs: storedTabs });
        chrome.storage.sync.set({ inactivityThreshold: { hours: 0, minutes: 30 } });

// Handle tab creation
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener((tab) => {
    chrome.storage.sync.get("tabs", (data) => {
        const storedTabs = data.tabs || [];
        storedTabs.push(new Tab(tab.id, tab.title || "New Tab", tab.url || "", tab.favIconUrl || "", tab.lastAccessed));

        console.log("Tabs before ", storedTabs);
        chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabs: storedTabs }, () => {
            console.log("Tabs after ", storedTabs);

// Handle tab updates
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
    if (tab.status === "complete") {
        chrome.storage.sync.get("tabs", (data) => {
            const storedTabs = data.tabs || [];
            const updatedTabs = storedTabs.map((storedTab) => {
                if (storedTab.id === tabId) {
                    return new Tab(tab.id, tab.title || storedTab.title, tab.url || storedTab.url, tab.favIconUrl || storedTab.tabFavicon, tab.lastAccessed);
                return storedTab;

            chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabs: updatedTabs }, () => {
                console.log("Tabs updated: ", updatedTabs);
                console.log("Tab updated: ", tab);

chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener((activeInfo) => {
    chrome.tabs.get(activeInfo.tabId, (tab) => {
        chrome.storage.sync.get("tabs", (data) => {
            const storedTabs = data.tabs || [];
            const updatedTabs = storedTabs.map((storedTab) => {
                if (storedTab.id === tab.id) {
                    return { ...storedTab, lastAccessed: tab.lastAccessed };
                return storedTab;

            chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabs: updatedTabs });

// Handle tab removal
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener((tabId) => {
    chrome.storage.sync.get("tabs", (data) => {
        const storedTabs = data.tabs || [];
        const remainingTabs = storedTabs.filter((storedTab) => storedTab.id !== tabId);

        chrome.storage.sync.set({ tabs: remainingTabs }, () => {
            console.log("Tab removed: ", tabId);

// Get inactivity threshold
function getInactivityThreshold() {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        chrome.storage.sync.get("inactivityThreshold", (data) => {
            const inactivityThreshold = data.inactivityThreshold || { hours: 0, minutes: 30 };
            const { minutes, hours } = inactivityThreshold;
            resolve((minutes + hours * 60) * 60000);

// Setup interval
(async function setupInterval() {
    const intervalTime = await getInactivityThreshold();

    setInterval(() => {
        // Add your periodic code here
    }, intervalTime);

Problem: when the extension is installed initially the whole event of reading tabs and writing them to the storage goes smooth,

Case A: but as soon as I create a new tab, like actually clicking on the + button to create a new tab, the event onCreated is fired but the chrome.storage.sync.set does not write the updated tab array to the storage.

Case B: this issue does not arise when I do “Open in new tab” it works fine and the new tab is added and then subsequently updated to new url once the status is complete.

Question: I want to know that why does CASE A does not work but CASE B does?

PS: I implemented an in-memory cache that solved the issue, but still my question remains the same? why does it work in b and not in a?