Loading MDX Files From public Directory In NUXT (production)

I Am Currently Trying to load mdx files from my nuxt projects public/docs folder my approch currently is as follows

async function loadMDX(componentPath) {
  try {

    const { public: { docsBasePath } } = useRuntimeConfig();

    console.log("Receved from nuxt: ", docsBasePath)

    // 1) Fetch the raw text so vfile-matter can parse it
    const res = await fetch(`/docs/${componentPath}`);
    const text = await res.text();

    // 2) Parse frontmatter from that text
    const file = new VFile({ value: text });
    docsStates.value.selectedDocMatter = file.data.matter

    // 3) Now import the compiled MDX module (for rendering)
    const module = await import(`${docsBasePath}/${componentPath}`);
    mdxContent.value = wrapWithProvider(module.default);
  } catch (error) {
    mdxContent.value = null;

the docsBasePath is from a .env or .env.production based on the enviroment and is as follows

// for developement
//for production

in development loading this mdx files works perfectly but in production when deploying to vercel i simply get this error

TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: https://vdocs-brown.vercel.app/docs/@v1.0.0/Custom%20Components/Components.mdx

why is my nuxt app not finding it especially since its listed under my vercel static served files with this path
My Mdx Listed On My Vercel Static files list