I want to migrate a Rails project away from Webpacker.
It uses different JS-parts: VueJS 2.6, StimulusJS, plain old Javascript with some JQuery.
Having used Importmaps in some projects i wonder if this would be a solution or if a packaging-toolchain like jsbundling-rails
or vite.js
needs to be added?
The app consists of different JS-codeparts:
├─ assets/
│ ├─ javascripts/ # <-- some legacy-JS using JQuery
├─ javascripts/ # <-- VueJS-Application with some components
├─ shared/
│ ├─ my_plugin/
│ │ ├─ javascripts/ # <-- a Stimulus-controller
To my understanding, i need some bundling to use the VueJS-Part.
Currently it is beeing imported using the VueLoaderPlugin
Is this necessary in the future or can i avoid it and use it only with Importmaps?
My understanding of the JS-build/packaging-toolchain is basic so i appreciate your advice.
What could be the most simple solution?
NOTE: The Stimulus-Part is not integrated with Webpacker yet, so it is not working in this app ATM 🙂