How to upload to existing folder to minio through strapi

I have a bucket called mybucket in minio and MINO_FOLDER=static. I connected this to my strapi CMS. When using CMS interface I am able to upload images to folder and get image url like domain/static/web/logo.png. However when trying to upload to this web folder using custom strapi Rest API my images are uploaded to static (static/logo.png not static/web/logo.png). I tried all possible ways of passing folder and path but none worked. Is it possible to achieve desired result ?
Here is my service function:

I tried passing path and folder. And passing mybucker/static/web

async add(ctx) {
    const { files } = ctx.request;
    // const { folder } = ctx.request.body;

    if (!files || !files.files) {
      return ctx.badRequest("No files uploaded");

    const uploadedFile = await strapi.plugins["upload"].services.upload.upload({
      data: {},
      files: files.files,
      path: "static/web",

    return uploadedFile;