Why use for of over forEach when iterating over defined arrays? [duplicate]

I’m looking through the MDN guidelines and it shows that to iterate over what seems like a defined array of data (ie. const names = ['adam', 'billy', 'cody']) they state that we should use for of over forEach.


// Good
for (const name of names) {

// Less good
names.forEach(name => console.log(name));

// Definitely don't do this
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

I completely understand the last point about the for(; ;) usage, but why not use forEach? It’s been my usual go-to method for this type of thing for as long as I can remember.

The example given on the documentation does show it being used in a longer way such as

names.forEach(name => {

rather than doing a quick return as I did previously name => console.log(name) which would be more concise.

I’m just wondering what the benefit of using for of here is, other than maybe being “explicit” about what the names belong to?