Want to execute all test cases n times?

I am a beginner in Cypress. I use Cypress with javascript to perform automation testing.

Question: How can I iterate all it blocks n times?

Description: In a JSON file, one key has an array including names of different profiles. I have one spec file, in which I have multiple it() blocks. Now I want to run my spec file for all profiles available in a key.

For that, I tried below solution:


"test": {
    "customerAccountName": "RD test R97 01 new",
    "userRole": "Customer Admin",
    "profiles": ["Generic SIP Service", "Genesys PureCloud"],
    "profile": "",
    "serviceCarrier": "",
    "isCarriage": "",
    "type": "",
    "blockSize": ""
"stage": {
    "customerAccountName": "RD test R97 01 new",
    "userRole": "Customer Admin",
    "profiles": ["Generic SIP Service", "Genesys PureCloud"],
    "profile": "",
    "serviceCarrier": "",
    "isCarriage": "",
    "type": "",
    "blockSize": ""


describe("Create, edit, pause, resume and delete Generic SIP Service", function () {

let siteTestData, credentials, SIPServiceTestData, profiles;
before(function () {

cy.fixture('credentials').then(function (testdata) {
  credentials = testdata[window.environment]

  //Login to a portal if require
  if (isLoginRequire(credentials.sausername, credentials.sapassword)) {
    cy.loginAs(credentials.url, credentials.sausername, credentials.sapassword)

//Get test data from 'genericSIPServiceTestData' file
cy.fixture('SIPServiceTestData').then((testData) => {
  SIPServiceTestData = testData[window.environment]
  profiles = SIPServiceTestData.profiles

//Get test data from 'siteTestData' file
cy.fixture('siteTestData').then(function (testdata) {
  siteTestData = testdata[window.environment]
  //If siteName is empty, add site name
  if (siteTestData.siteName == '') {
    siteTestData.siteName = 'Automation site ' + getUTCTime()
  //If siteEmail is empty, add site email
  if (siteTestData.siteEmail == '') {
    siteTestData.siteEmail = 'automationtestsite' + getUTCTime() + '@gmail.com'
  //If updateSiteName is empty, add site name to update
  if (siteTestData.updateSiteName == '') {
    siteTestData.updateSiteName = 'Update ' + siteTestData.siteName

it(“Load test profiles”, function () {

Array.from(profiles).forEach($profile => {

  describe('test json loop', function () {

    beforeEach(() => {
      SIPServiceTestData.profile = $profile

    after(() => {
      console.log('inside after')
      // Only log out if require
      if (isLoginRequire(credentials.sausername, credentials.sapassword)) {

    it("Navigate to Customer account", function () {
      //Navigate to customer account
      //Verify services header on services page

    it("Verify either account is existing or new", function () {

    it("Click on 'Add new service' button, select SIP service and Navigate to 'Select numbers' page", function () {
      //Click on services tab
      //Add service button should be enable on services page
      getAddServiceButton().should('be.visible').and('be.enabled').and('have.text', 'Add New Service').click();
      //Select profile and carrier, and navigate to select numbers page
      //Verify sub header
      getAccountName().should('be.visible').and('have.text', SIPServiceTestData.customerAccountName)
      //Verify header section and search field on select numbers page
      //Verify tooltip text on hover of inventory number on select number page
      //Select number
      //Set details of selected number into json

When I run above code it works fine. But Cypress chrome window doesn’t show all it blocks in it’s UI.
enter image description here

Is there any solution for this issue? If not…
Is there any other solution to iterate it block multiple times and it works normally?